Photo courtesy Heathrow Airport Ltd
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects

‘Objects Flown I – IV’, Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor’s works are impactful and visually monumental in that their physical presence is assimilated immediately, the detail and internal relationships acting on and confirming the first understanding.

‘Objects Flown I – IV’ were installed on the route to the lounges at Heathrow Terminal 2 departures and were made from plastered impressions of actual lost and unreclaimed property at the airport. These gold-leaf embossed works became icons of remembrance to the abandoned items and lives of their former owners.

We commissioned ‘Objects Flown I – IV’ as part of the BAA Art Programme in 1996. The works were installed at Terminal 2 Pier 2 Corridor until 2016.