Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects

‘Cluedo Part II’, Artlab (Charlotte Cullinan + Jeanine Richards)

‘Cluedo Part II’ was an exhibition of recent work by Artlab (Cullinan Richards), a London-based artistic collaboration between Charlotte Cullinan and Jeanine Richards, who since 1997 have been producing work ranging from painting to performance to film, fusing personal histories with fiction to confront shared social and cultural issues.

The exhibition included a specially commissioned piece, double self portrait ’Cluedo’, of the artist-pair dressed in Marks & Spencer clothes, as a comically self-mirroring partnership, as well as photo-documentation works from their art programme at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, during which they built structures in which to house the practices of other artists.

‘Artlab’s practice and production is complex and multi-layered and one where the art product – if not indeed the situation created, support structure erected, or social scenario enacted – often takes on the final form of documentation, as in their nearly invisible installation at the Marks & Spencer headquarters in Baker Street which surfaced as photo-documentation contextualised within the installation of an improvised cardboard dressing room and strip-lighting for a show in Cologne’ – John Slyce, Artlab 021.

‘Cluedo Part II’ was exhibited in 2001 and was part of the Marks & Spencer Head Office Cultural Programme, 1993 – 2004.