Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects
Photo courtesy HS Projects

‘Artlab 021′, Artlab (Charlotte Cullinan + Jeanine Richards)

‘Artlab 021′, was a site-specific, multi-media, multi-faceted exhibition of recent work by Artlab (Cullinan Richards) that contains many geographies and pseudo histories. From photo-documentation works of temporary structures such as petrol stations, billboards, architectural pavillions, boxing rings, to paintings and sculptural art objects, such as a sand cast lead pistol in a constructed break glass fire alarm box and the ‘get lucky bench’.  

Cullinan Richards’ practice sprawls across boundaries, media, disciplines and spaces in critical and engaging ways. ‘Such moves dislodge a particular medium from its privileged position and hierarchicallly sealed status and draw it outside itself beyond the institutional frame and into a new light’ – John Slyce, Artlab 021. 

“Charlotte Cullinan together with Jeanine Richards has produced, since 1997, collaborative work from traditional means: painting, sculpture, performance, drawing, film, video and photography. Much of this production has entered the world under the heading Artlab. Their medium is largely context. History–personal, family, geo-political, and that socially and culturally shared, or fictitious–is their primary material. The art that results–a fusion of documentation with fiction, lived personal histories and live performance–is often deployed, even when built from paintings, as a sculptural scenario and structural support for the incorporation of other work and documentation, as well as a platform for other artists.” – John Slyce, Contemporary, September 2006.

‘Artlab 021′ was exhibited in 2002 as part of the Cable & Wireless Exhibition Programme, 1992 – 2006.