Alan Brooks, Robert Davies, Andy Harper
HS Projects curated an exhibition of recent work by Alan Brooks, Robert Davies and Andy Harper that examined the impact of technology on painting and how artists apply this in their practice.
Alan Brooks photocopied Gainsborough’s sketch books onto acetate sheets and projected the image onto giant canvasses to meticulously hand paint all the visual flaws. By layering 18th century botanical images over details from the sketch books, stacking multiple acetate copies on-top of each other and projecting the multi-layered complex image, Brooks created a misleadingly flat two-dimensional work.
Sourcing film from World Cup tournaments, Robert Davies scrutinized the footage to uncover the decisive moments, or ‘epiphanies’, from the history of the world’s most popular sporting event. Each picture is a detail from a crucial passage of play and is imprinted on our collective memory.
Andy Harper used painting to create a mechanistic illusion with meticulous tiny brush strokes, each stroke removing the top layer of paint to create an impression of a mass produced mechanistic image, redolent of wall paper.
Works by Alan Brooks, Robert Davies, Andy Harper were exhibited in 2003 as part of the Cable & Wireless Exhibition Programme, 1992 – 2006.